Manage My Hotel Bookings
Enter your hotel booking details
Enter your booking details to proceed to the cancellation confirmation screen.
If you process your cancellation request online, there is no Webjet processing fee, however there may be cancellation costs incurred from the hotel.
Where do I find my hotel booking details?
- Webjet booking reference: This is the reference number that appears on your hotel booking voucher.
- Email Address: The email address that you used to make the hotel booking.
Booking advice during this impacted travel period
We understand that your travel plans have been disrupted due to this unprecedented event and subsequent travel bans and government restrictions.
To amend the dates of your hotel booking, you will need to cancel your current booking and rebook for the correct dates.
For refundable bookings, please cancel via this page before the cancellation deadline in order to receive a refund for any prepaid amounts as per the cancellation policy outlined on your original booking confirmation. During the process the hotel’s cancellation policy will be displayed accordingly.
For non-refundable bookings, unfortunately Webjet does not have the authority to override the cancellation policy set by the hotel.
However, from past experience, some guests have been successful in securing a waiver by contacting the hotel directly. Webjet cannot guarantee this outcome as it is at the discretion of the hotel itself. Please ensure you contact the property prior to your check-in date as this will increase your chances of being able to obtain a waiver.
If a waiver is provided, please ask the hotel to confirm in writing and forward this through to [email protected]. In the email correspondence, please ensure that the hotel references your booking reference number, your check-in date and the guest name – we suggest that you include this information in your email to the hotel, and they can simply reply with their confirmation.
We will then follow the appropriate channels on your behalf.
Please note that at this time, our hotel supplier is not accepting verbal authorisation from hotels. Therefore without this information in writing Webjet cannot pursue this request any further on your behalf. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.